Friday 18 May 2012


My initial expectations of this project was to create a variety of samples and experiments that could eventually be turned into proposed ideas for the new building. This expectation didn't change throughout but it did become less important in the middle as I just focused on the sampling part.
During this project my experimenting with materials improved as I experimented with materials I normally would not have worked with such as acetates and transparent foils. My aspect of this project that could of easily been improved is my choice making in what ideas are better than others to be taken forward. My samples became and worked a lot better than I thought so choosing the best quality to take forward proved very difficult for me.
The materials that were selected and used repeatedly were acetate, foils and transparent plastics. I used the workshop of print only a couple of times at the very beginning but the outcomes were unsuccessful so I began doing hand processes in the studio and at home.
My sketchbook shows my thought process and in what order my ideas and samples came. My sketchbook always becomes a portfolio of research, photographs and images of samples that help me present my work in a thorough way so that I can understand it.
When working with acetate and transparent plastics the thickness and quality of the materials was a definate quality helped my sampling in whether they improved or whether that experiment just didn't work. What my work lacked was the media aspect as I didn't do many drawings, my work focused on using model-making as a way of drawing my designs.
 Presenting my samples has always been done through photography and this hasn't changed in this project, it is an understandable way of presenting my work clearly to me.
If I was to start this project again I would change my lack of drawings and maybe expanded my use of materials and tried more combinations of them. The materials used were chosen due to their properties and whether I thought they would what I wanted them too.
My contextual references became key in influencing my samples and what aspects were taken forward. My artist research in this unit has realy improved a lot, I used aspects of their work to influence my own, for example the tiesta floor from Think Tank influenced my project majorly as a floor being worn down became an idea I explored throughout, this aspect is even included in my final proposal.
Doing this Unit has made me realise the importance of contextual references, they really do further my work and my experiments.
I know many people started of with the concept of wear and tear but the differences that my work and there work turned out were completely different.
Overall this project has made me realise the importance of materials and the contextual influence that artist research gives off.

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