Tuesday 8 May 2012

Attempted layouts...

If this experiment was to go ahead, below a few ways in which I would consider displaying it. I like the idea of using the way these are presented increasing up in height, I think this presentation would look good at the side of the stairs in the new building, especially if they were used as spotlights.
Creating spotlights would be a useful and colourful way of bringing something modern into the new building that was inspired by marks from the old building. Adding interesting lights would definately make the new building look a lot better than the old building as the old building lights were plain, simple and very boring. Spotlights are a way of adding extra detail to a so far plain but modern building. The Layout of the spotlights would coincide with how the stairs increase in height and width so it works well as an installation along with the stairs. I took some images of this prospected layout in natural light and in the dark with LED lights inside.

Doing these spotlights in the layout I said above however would make it look too connected with the building and not as much as a piece of art, this would be a good way of combining the 2. Even though I want my proposal to have a function I still want it to be seen as a piece of art, this is where my idea of placing the cubes randomly came from. Placing the cubes randomly makes this piece look more installation based rather than a functional base.

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