Saturday 10 November 2012

Sample 10&11...

Tuesday 30th October 2012
White Bleached Cotton
Dye type
Reactive Manutex Dyes
Colour Specifics
Blue MXG  and Yellow Mx8G
What worked?
With using reactive dyes I predicted that the underneath image will come through the top layer image and it did. I chose to do the first print in the darker colour Blue MXG with the lighter colour of Yellow Mx8G over the top, the blue image came through and both images can be seen clearly. Once the colours are overlaid it created the colour of a luminous green.
What went wrong and could be improved?
Even though both images are seen clearly, I positioned the second image so that it would fit and be involved within the other image so there is a clear evident yellow line that blocks through some detail and makes it painfully that the images are 2 separate images rather than 2 images becoming one, like I wanted.
If I was to this again I would create a masking tape border that fits into the image.
Sample Number
Sample 10

Tuesday 30th October 2012
White Bleached Cotton
Dye type
Reactive Manutex Dye
Colour Specifics
Blue MXG and Scarlett MXG
What worked?
I prefer this print to the previous one because it looks how I wanted it to look, 2 images as 1 image. I also put the darker colour down first again as it worked for the sample previously. I think this experiment worked better than the other one because of the colour choice, red and blue and harmonious and work very well together.
What went wrong and could be improved?
Sample Number
Sample 11

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