Saturday 10 November 2012

Positioning/Sample 31&32...

This sample was about experimenting with my prints and playing around with the combination and how my prints would be positioned and displayed. I wanted to experiment with the positioning of my work as I wanted to use the theme of confusion in relation with Alzheimer’s in the presentation of my work. As I want my pieces to be used as public art in a hospital or doctor’s waiting room, I wanted to take in account on how my final pieces would be perceived. I know from waiting around in doctors and dentists waiting rooms that posters and work of art on the wall are observantly looked at. To create the feeling of confusion through my work, I took 2 separate prints that I had done on different backgrounds using different processes and played around rearranging them, trying to find the right combination. This is the first one I came up with and it may be the strongest! Even though the faces look stretched because of the placement of the prints, it looks distorted adding to my projects theme. Using different backgrounds/fabrics with different processes can show an endless amount of possibilities, this sample worked especially well because of the colours used, a dark textured pink alongside the aubergine foil worked wonders.

The first experiment with playing around with positioning looked distorted because the faces were so stretched out as I used both of the full prints. I decided to cut it up the same way as the first one but take out every other one and replace it with the every other one from another print, meaning only half of each print would be used. The 2 prints for these experiments were of my brothers and sisters, 1 print of them young and 1 print of them being old. I decided to stick to this combination because it related to an aspect of what my Nana told me about my Great-Granddad who suffered from Alzheimer’s, he remembered people from when they were young but he couldn’t remember their most recent faces.    

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