Saturday 28 April 2012

Foiling laminate flooring...

From my first researching worn down areas I came across the Tensta floor and ever since then been quite focused on creating a surface that could eventually be walked over and worn down by the public, this was my first idea. Since then my ideas and experiments moved away from this but it was still in the back of my mind. Using the foil gave me the oppurtunity to re-look over this idea by applying foil over laminate flooring that could eventually become a pathway that students in the new buuilding will wall over. I created 2 samples that used bronze and gold foil. both foils work well with the colour of the laminate. Flooring and foil comes in a variety of colours and patterns so this idea definately has room for improvement and different variations of foil and flooring to find the prefect combination if this was the idea I wanted to take forward.

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