Wednesday 18 January 2012

Experimenting with already petterned material dyeing

 This piece of material above was a cut off from an old scarf and the colour I aimed for works really well in conjunction with the silver lining pattern that pre-exists. Even though I like how the material looks it isn't really practical as its flimsy and too light, making it hard for this material to hold a shape.
 I was surprised this material dyed because I didn't do a burn test and the material looked slightly glossy so I thought the dye would run off but it didn't. This material clearly shows the element of repetition and would be a nice material to work with because it holds enough strength to fix a poistion aswell as being flexible.
 This patterned material definately had repeat in it but using this material would be difficlut because it looks too busy and confusing. It definately would not hold a shape because it's too light.
Now this material is definately confusing but it works for me more than the other because of the dye colour.

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