Friday 19 April 2013

College One: My first visit to DACA...

I took today's first visit to the Academy as a day to find out what is expected of me and to find out specific details on how this experience will unfold. Louise gave us some feedback on which group levels would appreciate our help more, she mentioned that the A/S level group whose project is based on the theme Space could use some attention. It is a photography class, I have no knowledgeable background in Photograph so I find myself daunted by this option. Louise also mentioned that the Year 9 GCSE students have been given there own projects, I take this as an opportunity to explore different ways that the students work and how they would apply concept, if they even do this, I know I did not.

What I found most useful about today's 'meet and greet' is the schedule that was put in place. I like structure and consider myself to be an organised person so making an organised timetable which Louise suggested would help me work better. I will be at DACA for three days out of the week. As how we use this experience has been left for us to decide, I have requested to use Tuesday and Wednesday as work-shadowing days, I would like the age ranges to vary and maybe even shadow a teacher as well as 'pop' into other subject areas. Friday will hopefully be used as a practical day in which I and maybe groups will demonstrate our workshops. This requested timetable would suit and fit the criteria I have set myself in achieving a all rounded work experience.

Louise also informed us that some year groups are falling behind on their reading ages, maybe involve a workshop with words/sentences/stories? Perhaps the task I did at the beginning of my university course. It was a quick task that involved a number or sentences in which I had to draw from. This task would challenge their reading skills as well as how they interpret instructions/descriptions. It will also show that one answer is not right or wrong, it is how they interpret it! This would also be a confidence boost in helping the students become more independent in thought, process and outcome, a student in today's meeting said she would like the develop her independence.

The days start from 8:15, finishing at 3:15, this would include the half an hour brief staff meeting in the morning. Claire also recommended that we stay behind after the school day has finished to write a report out, evaluating the day whilst it is still fresh and getting out superior to sign it. The classroom I was in today will be my main workshop area. I am to be addressed as Miss but it is up to me how I am addressed by the a-level students. The dress code is optional. I like the idea of interacting with the students on their practices and hopefully encouraging them to be proud of what they produce and not compare it to others. As seen in these images, the students are extremely talented.

If this work experience is successful, I will be considering carrying it on up until the Summer Holidays.

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