Saturday 11 May 2013

College One: Timetabled run through of our workshop...

Above is the timetable we used for how the day would run. 

Before the children would come at 9:30am, we would have to sew the 2 pieces of large canvas together and iron it out, set up the chairs for the presentation and remove all the tables out of the way and set up the presentation. We also would layout all of the recyclable materials that they would be choosing from.

As the children come in, we would ask them to put there overalls on and give them goggles to start with. As for the Introduction, we did a presentation that ran through what we was going to do for the day. It included Contextual Research that put how we got to this workshop idea into context, why we was recycling materials to make paint, the pros and cons of recycling and why they was doing this workshop- to experiment with mark-making and exploring other areas of art and what is considered a piece of art. 

Whilst the children went off for their first break, we would take this opportunity to set up the blending and making paint stations. We had to newspaper all the tables, put no slip matts down, lay out the cutting equipment such as: scissors, knifes, folks, rolling pins and hammers, set up the blenders, oil and cups. We also removed all of the chairs.

After their first 20 minute break, the children would come back and we would split them up into 2 groups. Each group would then be designated into either a blending or making paints stations, we would split ourselves up within the groups at each station, it would work out at the minimum of 2 'teachers' per station. The groups would then swap over so everyone had the opportunity to try both, this gave us the option to try both as well. Once both groups had tried both stations and settled into their second one, all of us 'teachers' would then spread out around the room and work with the other students. Once this section was done with, we would have a small cleaning session which would lead to dinner.

Through dinner we would put all of the equipment away and put away the tables left out for the stations away to give room for the children to make the hanging device and to layout the canvas.
After dinner, it would be time to fill the balloons and make the hanging device. The children would be split up back into there groups and sent to either station and then they would swap over again. At this point, I would remain at filling the balloons until the hanging device was made and once it was up, I would then start to hang the balloons using string and all the children would help, if the device was too high, the 'teachers' would attach the string to the device whilst the children attached the balloons to the string. 

We then clean up everywhere, this can take a lot of time and keeping the children's attention to help can be even harder. Once it is all cleaned up, some of us would take the children into another room and get their feedback through little post-it notes. This helps us find out what we could improve and what worked. Whilst we do this, Rory, Denise and Hayley would set up all the camera equipment. We would also lay and flatten the canvas. Once it is all set up, the children would come back in and take some pictures, maybe even a group photo? The fun would then begin.

As we wanted to film and take pictures of the children popping the balloons, they were put back into their groups and took it in turn. All of the children would be wearing overalls, mouth masks as well as goggles for protection.     

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