Monday 13 May 2013

College One: Blog Focus- Reflection...

My aim throughout working at DACA was to gain as much work experience as I possibly could. As I would like my future career to be in teaching, my main goal at DACA was to figure out what specific age range I would be most suitable to work with. When working with different ages at DACA, I realised that I enjoyed working with multiple ages rather than the one, I think this is because each age surprised me. I only worked with Year 7's and Year 10's but the gap between the 2 was huge. I enjoyed working with Year 7's because of how imaginative they are but I also enjoyed working with Year 10's as the ones I worked with were knowledgeable, committed and open as well as appreciative of any help I gave them.

My expected outcome for the workshops was limited to the outcome we received. I may have put myself down as well as my group by having such a small expectation but the outcome was amazing and I was thrilled with the feedback from both the students and Louise as well as how relieved the group was that the workshop ran smoothly and the outcome was successful.

My greatest challenge that I had to overcome was my confidence and being confident when approaching the students, I found this very challenging. To overcome it, I gave it little thought and just forced myself to be confident. I think I realised that I have knowledge and expertise that could be beneficial to them and if I do not approach them now, I never would and if I could not do it now, would I ever make it as a teacher. Making myself approach the students was beneficial for me as the students began approaching me for help, it made me feel useful.

Individually I put all my effort into everything I did. However, when working in a group I could have done a lot more and got more involved. I felt that sometimes my voice was not heard because I was not confident enough to argue my ideas further. Everyone in the group got a long and we all played our part in making the workshop and this Unit successful. I have used my organisational skills, my communication skills and my practical and technical knowledge throughout this Unit, I also managed my workload, became resourceful when choosing materials and I worked collaboratively. As a group, we all set goals, tasks, we solved problems when they occurred, negotiated ideas and most importantly worked as a team. It has definitely been an enjoyable experience.

To further this line of work I would continue to gain work experience in the field of teaching. As I have missed a lot of the time allocated by DACA through doing other voluntary work and being ill, I would like to have the opportunity to work at DACA again. I would also like to work at other schools and with different ages to gain more experience and to ensure myself that teaching is the right choice for me, as a career.
From this Unit I have learnt a lot about myself and my confidence has certainly grown. Working at DACA gave me the great opportunity to gain a realisation of what being a teacher or a teacher's assistant is like.   

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