Sunday 18 March 2012

After looking through my photos I took of my visit to the Museum of Science and Museum, I decided to go back to look at other areas in the museum that caught my eye the first time. I took a photo of the ceiling as it was old fashioned and hadn't been replaced like some of the other architecture in the museum, the ceilings were bricked with brick red beams running through them. I like this area of wear and tear in the building, it leaves abit of history behind, something that cannot be replaced.

I also visited some of the other buildings and in one of them was an underground of Manchester years back. There were old toilets, wells and tunnels that were really dark and led to a brighter opening, the image below was off a dark tunnel that I found intriguing, it gave me the feeling of 'presence of absence'.

In the textiles room there was an old door that had been restored by repainting it, doing this takes away the wear and tear of history replacing it with something fresh not always to everyones liking. I like the idea of restoring something old, not by making it new but by making it's history evident.

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