Sunday 18 March 2012

The Visual Resources Centre...

In the slide library, there are three main image collections:
· Main Art and Design Slide Collections
· Design Council Slide Collections
· Lantern Slide Collections
There are over 275,000 slides in the collections overall and some slides even date back nearly fifty years. The slides can be taken out of the library and John Davis is always on hand for advice on where to find specific areas. The slides can be viewed using slide viewers/wallets, light boxes and slide projectors. I think this resource is useful for inspiration, visual research, to draw from and to extract information from. The slides are a good tool to visually play with and challenge. As the slides date back they could be valuable to my project when looking for images on Manchester’s history, that is what these slides hold, history. I think the slides are accessible and I am definitely going to use them in my project as there too beneficial not too. The slides are sourced from books, film strips and original photography so they are a reliable resource.

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