Sunday 19 February 2012

Evaluating my practice

Developing my project through samples was fairly simple, my ideas were constantly there to produce but whether the techniques and materials I chose were the right choice, I'm not convinced. Connections were made in my samples with the materials and the techniques, I tired out a variety of combinations looking for the right one and there never was, there was always room for improvement. My research in this half of the project didn't develop at all, I didn't remember or think of anything else that could inspire the theme of architecture. My chosen words of; Singular and Repetition was developed in my research through my primary photos as there was always elements of them words evident.
             Selecting the idea of working with and over dyed fabrics was really a way of connecting my workshops together and making them work for me. Some of the dyeing samples with print techniques worked over them really worked, some however, didn't, I found this out just be experimenting and exploring with everything I've learn't.
             I found this project of Sampling a great oppurtunity to explore and just go where the materials and techniques take me. My aim of this project was literally just to keep producing ideas and concepts into samples whether they would work or not. Looking at some of my samples they didn't work but they helped further my ideas.
             During this project I realised the importance of Sampling and producing ideas without even thinking of the outcome sometimes. Sometimes the best results came from limited thinking about materials and techniques, it was about analysing the results afterwards and picking out what worked and exploring this.
             I found working in the dye and print workshops very time consuming but worth it. I spent a lot of time producing samples which I think made my sketchbook lack on quality. My sketchbook could of definately done with more time in developing ideas through drawing and annotation.

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