Sunday 6 November 2011

 Visual: My drawings have mainly been generated by primary photos that I had taken of Tatton Park. If not from this my drawings are generated from samples or ideas that I have. I've always found drawing difficult and I think this is evident in my sketchbook. I think the layout of my sketchbook presents my ideas and it's content well and as someone else written on a post-it note, I present my work clearly and I've thoroughly explained my ideas. 
 Contextual: My broader context of my sketchbook revolves around images from my visit, and how my samples relate to this and the main areas of which Tatton Park will take me. I make references to a few artists that I find relevant and relate to certain aspects of my samples and drawings. Someone wrote that I had a "Brilliant range of research on visits" and that my research was "good/indepth".
 Content: My starting points came from my primary photos and I worked from there. I developed my ideas by going back to Tatton Park and finding out a range of different information that I could develop and exploit. I found it very difficult to try and connect all my work and keep the ideas flowing in a continuous way. After speaking to one of my tutors about how I was unsure whether my project all tied together, she noticed that there were elements throughout all of my sketchbook that related and followed through with each other, which made me feel slightly better about the project on a whole. I think my work is very textual based but does have elements of visual in there. There's definately enough research to work from, I think at the beginning there was too much research it confused me on which way I should go.
 I think I stick to the method of having a photo or a sample and explaining it overall. I could definately improve the way in work, especially visually. I think I need a lot more drawings whether it's from photos or just to generate ideas. Looking at other people's sketchbook's made me slightly worried about mine and whether mine was good enough but then I had to realise that just because it isn't the same as others doesn't make it any less than there's, I just think that my sketchbook could be improved by adding more drawings showing my ideas and more experimental samples.
 Looking at other people's sketchbooks has made me look at drawing in a different light and made me realise how important drawing can be and it can be used for anything. Starting my sketchbook was difficult because of the white page fear but having the sketchbook lesson at the beginning of the course was really helpful as it shown clearly that anything goes when it comes to your sketchbook, each one is different and unique. It is what works best for me.
 Looking at my peers comments made me realise that I present my work clearly through visual and textual processes. Someone also wrote that I "seem very comfortabledrawing beautiful angular and geometric shapes. Could step out your comfort zone and use media thats messy" and I couldn't agree more. I think I stick to fineliners and pencils so that it looks like what I'm drawing but I think I need to get away from this and experiment with playing with media's and not try to be so particular.

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