Sunday 6 November 2011

Drawing Task

 For this drawing task, the class was told to stand in a line and that we was going to play a game of Chinese whispers and we had to draw our interpretation of what we was told. I was stood in probably the middle of the line and got the instructions to draw to drawings that were 2mm apart and this is what I came up with.
 I wanted my drawings to relate to my Sleuth, Spies and Lies project so I focused on line and structure which is evident in the 2 drawings. I also focused on symmetry as in Tatton Park everything was mainly symmetrical and in one of the bedrooms, they even cut the bed into a square shape just to keep the room perfectly symmetrical.
 After finishing my 2 drawings we was told what the actual beginning chinese whispers was and it turned out it was, "to draw 2 spirals, one that started from the centre and worked it's way out and the other to start from the outside and work it's way in". I really enjoyed this excercise and would definately do it again. I liked how much it can change and could of been changed, I also like the idea that everybody's work was different even though we was mean't to have been told the same thing. After lining back up in the line we was stood I had a look at the drawings and even thought the end of the line was told the same as me, the spirals came back in and looked similiar to the people's work at the beginning of the line.

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