Monday 18 March 2013

College One: 18th March 2013-Lecture and Workshop

For this workshop, we was put into groups and asked to bring in materials and stationary. So, I arrived today with a bag full of stuff but having no idea what it was for. When I got there we was split into the same groups and given the task of choosing one of the five themes given and using the materials we brought in to create a Totem pole. The five themes given were:

  • Easter
  • Manchester
  • Children
  • Food
  • Olympics
After looking over the themes my group decided to go with the theme Manchester as it was the main thing that we all had in common. Even though we all had come from Textiles In Practice our work was very 3-dimensional, we were resourceful in using the only materials we had brought and they were limited.

We created a mind map that we connected Manchester with travel, journeys, the new metro link and maps and the material we used was train tickets which fit in incredibly well with the sub-themes. We began just experimenting with the tickets when Vanessa came up with the idea to re-create the rail symbol using the tickets, we repeated this process and make quite a few of them.

We began to play around with them creating different compositions and decided to connect them all together so that they would create a map like look from a birds eye view. Once all connected and attached together, we had to incorporate an egg which was one of the conditions so to do this, we all decided to use the tickets as a basis for a nest as Manchester is our home nesting ground where we will all grow and evolve, like an egg would develop into a bird. We placed the egg in the centre and applied brown grass like material around the tickets trying to create a realistic look.

As it had to be a Totem pole we added a long pole that also had a nest-like look to it as a pole for the nest to stand on. We had a lot of fun doing this. I think we worked great in a team, everyone participated and felt comfortable enough to get involved.

Whilst we was doing the task, Kirsteen Aubrey gave selected people a role they had to play during the task to throw a spanner in the works and see how we respond to it. One was given the role to become withdrawn and even though she sat back and seemed quieter she still participated, Vanessa was then given the role of being dominate but this did not come across as much either as her personality is talkative so it was not as noticeable.

We all sat together and bounced of each other's ideas. We had a bit of time at the end of the task because we finished early as the nest was complete, so we all took a picture of ourselves with the nest. If I was to repeat this lesson as a workshop to another class, I would:

  • make the time frame shorter so that the students were not too concerned with what they was making but focusing on the point of teamwork and stratagising
  • put the groups in their own separate spaces so they weren't focused on what other groups were doing
  • I would maybe also allow each group to have ONE certain material to experiment with and be more creative. 
Primary School Talk

There has been a missive shift in what was happening in Primary schools to what was happening in Secondary schools. Primary schools tend to hold a more hand's on approach whereas Secondary schools tend to be more Fine Art based. 

This year will be the first year that actually gets to have work experience as a fundamental part of Unit X. We would be there to support and encourage creativity.

There are different ways in starting up a project, you could start by either drawing, physically making something or describing what you would intend to do. It is not just about the final outcome, its also about the skills gained throughout, the development and planning and time and effort that goes into a project. 

Art needs to be explored more in the curriculum, more work needs to be done when working on art projects that are creative, experimental as well as fitting towards the curriculum expected outcomes. 

If I wanted to use children faces whilst documenting me work, I would have to get signed consent forms by the children's parents.

We would be helping schools above and beyond and the work can be really awarding. 

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