put this selection of images together, they was not made for a set and
therefore they do not fit together, this aspect makes this set work, it was not
planned. These images are the photographs of my family most recently, I have
been using these images in contrast with younger ones but decided after much experimentation
to bring it back to basics and use/display what most simply works. All of these
prints were printed onto different cotton fabrics using the Reactive Manutex
Dye process. The first and third image from the left using Black MX dye has
worked by far the best, I think this is because the Black dye stands and
remains strong and the faces are clear. Washing some of these samples turned
out horribly, I did wash them correctly but most of the samples printed onto
fine Bleached White Cotton whilst drying kept constantly running and staining
the rest of the fabric, I repeated the washing process to no end and some of my
samples even became useless because the faces were too damaged. As can be seen
in 3 images of the 6 below, there is damage but in these cases I think it
works, it gave my work extra detail, a glow around the face but this is not
something I would take further. If I was to actually use this design in a
waiting room, I would make sure that each image was clear and clean and had no
dye damage. I would maybe even reconsider the colour choices as this works as a
sample but maybe not as a displayed piece. I would want all of the images to be
in black to show a strong and clear family connection between all of the
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